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Appel à projets international AUF COVID-19

13 Apr 2020
Dans le cadre de son plan d'actions spécial COVID-19, l’AUF lance un appel à projets international pour soutenir des initiatives d’étudiant.e.s, d'élèves-ingénieurs et de jeunes chercheur.e.s liées à la pandémie.

The Rector's message for the students

18 Mar 2020
In these difficult conditions, the University administration is with you and we share confidence that we will emerge victorious from this scourge with the invisible enemy Coronavirus.

Prevention and control measures of Coronavirus infection

26 Feb 2020
For informing foreign students of the University! The information was updated on 18 November, according to the data of European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. World Health Organization is working closely with global experts, governments a...

Gilvus Quia Veniam Vicis

13 Jun 2018
Aliquip dignissim facilisi facilisis haero tego velit. Abigo tincidunt turpis. Abbas aptent bene facilisi loquor mauris nunc si sit venio. Abico at pagus paratus premo. Damnum nostrud scisco zelus. Abdo cui in refoveo si vero vicis. Amet exerci iace...